Sony PlayStation 4 Software Update and Brings PC/Mac Remote Play

Today Sony is launch the 3.50 software update, codenamed MUSASHI for its PlayStation 4. The update allows PS4 users to appear offline, if they choose not to alert their contacts about their current activities. This can be toggled any time, and set as a permanent option for every login session.

Another added feature is a notification when your friend comes online. This has to be selected individually against each name, and cannot be toggled for all friends at one go. Organizing events has become much easier, with a feature that lets a player schedule an event.

Those registered for event will automatically added to a party when the event starts.

These events can be posted on community walls and groups as well. A join feature makes it easier to play games together, the UI shows the current games members of a party are playing, so players can easily jump in and out of games while staying in one party.

Remote Play allows Playstation users to continue playing PS4 games on devices that are on the same WiFi network, if the TV that the PS4 is connected to is being used or unavailable. Remote Play used to work with Sony's PS Vita, phones and TV. Now Remote Play comes to PC and Mac as well. After the update, the installer can be downloaded.


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