Future President of the United States Donald Trump married former Slovenia model and professional gold digger Melania Knauss back in 2005. While Melania is certainly a tremendous upgrade in looks from the she-boon gorilla faced First Lady that inhabits the White House now, she is still just as big of a degenerate slut.

As you can see in the photos below, numerous nude and nearly nude photos of Melania Trump have been uncovered from her modeling days back in Slovenia, when she would do pretty much anything on camera for half a radish and an extra serving of gruel.

No doubt our virile Muslim brothers in Bosnia and Herzegovina had a good time banging out Melania’s sex holes back in the day when these photos were taken. This would of course explain The Donald’s passionate stance against illegal immigrants, for he probably recently found a Mexican family of eight living quite comfortably inside of Melania’s cavernous cock box.


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