Sharon Stone's nude photos stoke controversy

Actress Sharon Stone is drawing praise for baring all -- emotionally and physically -- in the September issue of Harper's Bazaar.

The spread, "Sharon Stone Reveals All," features flawless images of the 57-year-old nude except for Jimmy Choo stilettos and designer jewelry. The images accompany an article in which she recounts her struggle to revive her career after a debilitating brain hemorrhage in 2001.

She says the experience taught her to capitalize on aspects of her identity other than her sex appeal, culminating in her latest project, "Agent X," a new TNT series debuting this fall in which she plays the vice president of the United States.

"I thought, 'You know what? I got thrown off the bullet train, and now I'm going to have to crawl up a hill of broken glass, get back on the train that's going a million miles an hour, and work my way from the cattle car up,"


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