Sunny Leone’s documentary that she has disowned, to be shown in India

Like it or not, the Sunny Leone documentary Mostly Sunny directed by photographer-filmmaker Dilip Mehta will soon release in India.

Sources say Sunny and her husband Daniel Weber did “everything within their power” to stop the film from being played in India. It isn’t very clear what the couple’s objection to the documentary is (they refuse to comment on the subject). Throughout its making Sunny and Daniel were, in Dilip’s words, “extremely co-operative” going as far as to volunteer information on her past and sharing rare pictures.

Things began souring between the couple and Mehta when the film was to be premiered at the Toronto Film Festival earlier this year. Sunny and Daniel wanted certain visuals pertaining to Ms Leone’s nudity in her past vocation (she was a star of adult-content cinema, and that’s politest way of putting it) as shown in the documentary, to be edited out.

Dilip politely refused. Sunny and her husband retaliated by not attending the Toronto premiere of the documentary and dissociating themselves completely from the project.”

Dilip refuses to make the cuts demanded by the couple, his argument being, why go out of the way to conceal her past when it (her past) is such a prominent part of the public domain?

Says Dilip, “I can’t possibly ignore the fact that throughout during the making of the film she never once said, ‘hold the roll’ or cut a particular scene or a dialogue. It’s just that now she appears to be self-conscious of certain partial frontal nudity scenes! And that’s so confusing. Has sunny finally lost her spunk?”

(In fact Sunny Leone has spoken at length about her long journey in the realm of pornography in interviews with me).

Like it or not, the documentary will now be accessible to Indian audiences. Says Dilip, “Netflix and iTunes have bought the documentary for worldwide distribution. I believe they start broadcasting January 2017 onwards. Mostly Sunny release in cold, cold winter.”

Dilip is more amused than alarmed by Sunny Leone’s abrupt distaste for the documentary. “Her distancing herself from the documentary is hilarious and yet disappointing on a personal note. For me that is indicative of the fact that her publicly stated stance of ‘not giving a damn’ is farcical, a PR exercise.”

Dilip is delighted by the response to Mostly Sunny. “Ironically, while Sunny Leone chooses to disregard Mostly Sunny, audiences and critics are loving the film and are lustily cheering for the porn-star turned Bollywood princess.”


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